5 easy and natural skin care tips for radiant skin!

5 easy and natural skin care tips for radiant skin!

Eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep are great ways to care for your body overall but they don’t necessarily keep your skin in good shape. To get radiant skin, you need to supplement your lifestyle with these five natural skin care tips!

Tip 1: Hydrate your skin

Your skin is your body's largest organ, so it needs a lot of TLC. One of the best ways to keep your skin healthy is by staying hydrated. By drinking plenty of water throughout the day, you're replenishing the water lost from sweating or as a result of dry air. You'll also be helping your body fight acne breakouts, wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. Drinking more water will not only make your skin glow but help you lose weight too!

Tip 2: Exfoliate away dead skin cells

Dead skin cells build up on the surface of your skin, clogging pores and creating an environment that is conducive to acne breakouts. When you exfoliate, you're removing these dead cells, which will leave your complexion looking more youthful, vibrant, and healthy. Exfoliating also helps to produce new layers of healthy skin tissue. To prevent any dryness or irritation from the process, make sure to moisturize afterward with something soothing like a plant-based oil or moisturizer with both oils and water-based ingredients.

Tip 3: Use only what you need

Just like any good idea, your new routine will take time to work. And it's only going to work if you commit to it. The first step is to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can hinder the results of any other treatment, so make sure you're getting enough rest--about seven hours per night is recommended by experts. Don't overindulge in alcohol or caffeine, which can lead to dehydration (and dry skin). Hydration is key, so drink lots of water and apply a hydrating serum at night before bed. Make sure your diet includes healthy fats such as omega-3s from fatty fish or walnuts. Another important consideration: don't use more product than you need. After cleansing your face, be careful not to just layer on moisturizer without waiting for it to sink in first--or else you might end up with greasy skin that attracts dirt and oil even faster than before.

Tip 4: Protect your face from harmful elements in the environment

The best way to protect your face from harmful elements in the environment is by wearing a hat or some type of head covering. This will not only protect your face, but also keep you warmer in colder climates. It's also important to cover up when you're outside at night so that the lights from street lamps won't give you acne. When it's cold outside, make sure to bundle up because this will help keep UV rays out which can lead to sunburns on your face.

Tip 5: Get plenty of sleep

It's no secret that sleep is essential to good health. It helps you recover from the day, maintain your mental clarity, and it also improves your mood. But did you know that not getting enough sleep can actually make you look older? That's because sleep deprivation triggers the release of a stress hormone called cortisol which breaks down collagen—the protein that keeps your skin looking youthful. So here's my five step plan to getting better sleep 
1) Get into bed at least 30 minutes before you want to go to sleep. 
2) Try relaxing activities like reading or meditating. Avoid screens (TV, computer, phone) an hour before bedtime. 
3) If trouble sleeping persists, speak with your physician about potential underlying causes such as depression or anxiety disorder. There are also prescription medications available on the market today that have been shown in studies to be effective in treating insomnia and other sleep disorders.
5 easy and natural skin care tips for radiant skin!

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