7 At-Home Skin Care Tips to Keep You Glowing All Summer

7 At-Home Skin Care Tips to Keep You Glowing All Summer

The best skincare routine in the world isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t actually use it on your skin. Luckily, thanks to today’s modern technology and the proliferation of smart phone apps, it’s easier than ever to create a daily self-care plan that you can follow religiously without even thinking about it, which makes keeping up with your skin care routine as easy as one, two, three! Check out these seven at-home skin care tips to keep you glowing all summer long!

Sleep on silk

Sleep on a silk pillowcase. Silk is an anti-microbial and can keep your skin healthy and glowing. With that said, it is important to note that you should never sleep in makeup because it's too heavy for your skin. Make sure you remove all of your makeup before bedtime with a gentle cleanser or wipes like Pond's Sensitive Cleansing Towelettes which are designed for sensitive skin. To avoid breakouts, make sure to only wash your face twice a day (morning and evening) but feel free to cleanse more if needed. Try moisturizing your skin twice per day: morning and night time is best! If you're feeling adventurous give yourself a mini facial massage every night with any oil like coconut or rosehip oil!

Eat plenty of berries

Berries are full of antioxidants that protect your skin from damage. They also contain a lot of vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production and healthy skin. Strawberries are the best for beauty because they're packed with Vitamin A, fiber, potassium, and protein! Eat them fresh on top of your cereal or in a smoothie or eat them frozen on top of a bowl of ice cream. Blueberries are also great because they have been shown to help reduce wrinkles by fighting free radicals with their antioxidant properties. Make sure you only wash your face twice a day and always wear sunscreen when you're going outside this summer!

Drink tea regularly

The best way to get rid of dry skin is by using a good old sugar scrub. Sugar scrubs are probably the most popular homemade DIY skin care product out there and they're really easy and inexpensive to make.
Mix together one cup of granulated sugar with three tablespoons of honey, then add just enough olive oil or coconut oil (you can also use baby oil) until you have a slurry that's the consistency of thick pancake batter. Slather it on your legs, arms, and torso before hopping in the shower for 10 minutes. Rinse off with water, pat dry, then apply your favorite lotion.

Watch your sugar intake

When it comes to skincare, sugar might be the last thing on your mind. But did you know that sugar can cause inflammation and breakouts? Sugar also causes a spike in insulin levels, which disrupts healthy hormone balance and tells your body it's hungry when it isn't. If you're prone to acne or have dry skin, cutting back on refined sugars is an excellent way to keep your skin looking healthier! The bottom line is that what we eat has a huge effect on our bodies - including our skin. By eating foods high in fiber, protein, and good fats like avocados, seeds, nuts and leafy greens like spinach (and by keeping the sugary treats for special occasions), you'll be giving your skin the best possible chance at staying healthy this summer!

Stay out of the sun

The sun is out and shining brighter than ever, but that doesn't mean you have to bare it. Taking care of your skin at home is one way to keep it glowing all summer long. Here are seven easy things you can do from the comfort of your own house:
1) Stay out of the sun. This should be an obvious tip for any skin care routine, but it's worth repeating in case you forget! 
2) Wear sunscreen every day. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher whenever you're outside, even on cloudy days. 
3) Wash your face twice a day.

Change your pillowcases every week

Summer is the time for vacation, beach days, and outdoor picnics. If you're like me, you'll also be looking forward to a season of sleeping under a heat lamp with central air on full blast. In order to preserve your skin's hydration and prevent dryness during the warmer months, it's important to take some steps before bedtime that will help keep your skin healthy. One of the most important habits is changing your pillowcase every week so that you can get rid of any dirt, sweat, or oils from your face that could be irritating and drying out your skin. This is especially important if you use an acne cream or another type of skincare product nightly.

Use sugar scrubs to exfoliate

It's important to keep skin exfoliated and hydrated in order to maintain a healthy glow all summer long. Sugar scrubs are one way you can do this at home, but they can be pricey when purchased from a store. Luckily, making your own sugar scrub is easy and inexpensive! Here's how In a bowl, mix 1/4 cup of brown sugar with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil until it has the consistency of wet sand. Add more brown sugar if the mixture is too oily or more coconut oil if it's too dry. Then add 10 drops of essential oils like lavender for relaxation or peppermint for energy (optional). Use the mixture as an all over body scrub by rubbing it on skin in circular motions while bathing or showering. For best results use twice a week.
7 At-Home Skin Care Tips to Keep You Glowing All Summer

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