6 tips to get your skin summer-ready

6 tips to get your skin summer-ready


You might feel self-conscious about your skin when summer rolls around, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. Follow these six steps and your skin will be more radiant and sun-kissed than ever before!


1) Use mild facial scrubs

Mild facial scrubs are a gentle way to remove dead skin cells and deeply clean the pores. The best part about a mild scrub is that it doesn't leave any residue on the face, so there's no need for moisturizer afterward. Follow up with a light makeup application or just go au natural! Here are some of my favorite products: 

1) Philosophy Purity Made Simple 

2) Fresh Soy Face Cleanser 

3) Ole Henriksen African Red Tea Scrub


2) Keep a routine

These 6 tips will help you avoid that dreaded sunburn and keep your skin looking great this summer.

1) Layer on the sunscreen - Not only do SPF levels vary from brand to brand, but they also change from season to season. When it's hot out, make sure you've got sunscreen with at least an SPF 30 on hand. 

2) Protect yourself from UV rays - One of the most important things you can do is protect yourself from UV rays by wearing sun-protective clothing and avoiding the hottest hours of the day (usually between 10 am and 2 pm). 

3) Don't forget about those lips!


3) Choose gentle ingredients

Skincare should be as easy and light as possible in the summertime, as it tends to be a very hectic season. To keep your skin looking its best, try using these six steps:

1) Cleanse twice a day with an oil-free cleanser. This will remove excess oil from the surface of the skin and any bacteria that may have accumulated during the day.

2) Exfoliate once or twice a week with an enzymatic scrub. The scrub will help reveal healthier, smoother skin by removing dead cells and impurities that can lead to breakouts.


4) Avoid harsh ingredients

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so it's important to take care of it. One way you can do that is by avoiding harsh ingredients. It may seem counterintuitive because harsh ingredients are typically thought of as the only way to achieve a particular result. But these ingredients have been found to be damaging and drying for the skin, causing issues like acne and premature aging. So go ahead and swap in gentler alternatives like natural oils, water-based serums, and lighter moisturizers that are designed for all skin types including those with sensitive or dry skin. These will make your skin feel fresh and hydrated all season long!


5) Eat right

The most important thing you can do for your skin is to eat right. What you put in your body has a direct impact on what you see in the mirror. Your diet should be made up of whole, unprocessed foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein will help keep you full longer while supplying the necessary energy and nutrients to power through a busy day of work or play.


6) Moisturize regularly

Summer can be harsh on your skin. Hot, dry weather and high UV exposure can lead to dehydration, causing dryness and inflammation. Moisturize regularly with a lightweight moisturizer or oil that has water-binding properties like glycerin or hyaluronic acid. Keep a lookout for signs of sun damage, like dark spots and wrinkles. Wear SPF every day even if you don't think you'll be outside for long periods of time.

6 tips to get your skin summer-ready

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