Can You Rise to the At-Home Fitness Challenge?

Can You Rise to the At-Home Fitness Challenge?


Physical inactivity costs the United States $117 billion annually and accounts for more than one-third of all healthcare spending in this country, according to the CDC’s National Center on Health Statistics. With these staggering numbers in mind, it’s easy to understand why the fitness industry has experienced such rapid growth and development over the past decade; Americans are seeking out fitness options that can fit into their busy lives without requiring them to leave the comfort of their own homes and pay expensive membership fees.


4 Tips to Take on an At-Home Workout Challenge

One of the best ways to stay motivated is by setting goals. These goals can be anything, but they should be specific and measurable so that you know when you've achieved them. Your goals should also reflect what is important to you and your lifestyle (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, running a marathon).

One way to stay motivated while working out at home is with a workout challenge. A workout challenge forces you out of your comfort zone and helps keep you on track with your fitness goals. It also adds some variety to an otherwise monotonous routine which will help prevent boredom and burnout. For example, try doing something different for five days straight every week such as running one day, doing yoga another day, and lifting weights for two days.


The Benefits of Home Workouts

Just because you don't have time or money to hit the gym doesn't mean you can't get in a good workout. With just a few pieces of equipment and some creativity, you can get an effective workout right in your own home. And it's so much more affordable and convenient than shelling out tons of cash for a gym membership or spending hours driving across town. Here are some ways you can work out at home


4 Challenges That Will Test Your Resolve

It's time for a fun and easy fitness challenge. I'm challenging you to take on these four challenges for seven days straight and see how you do. The rules are simple: Do at least 20 minutes of exercise each day, and log your times on this Google spreadsheet. Ready? Let's go!

1) 30 Pushups in 30 Seconds

2) 8 Burpees in 8 Minutes

3) Run 1 Mile Around Your Block

4) 12 Body Weight Squats in 12 Minutes


Work Out with Friends

Working out with friends is a great way to keep your motivation up and have fun at the same time. We recommend making plans to do an activity that can be done in a group, like yoga or Zumba, so you don't get lonely and have someone else counting on you. Plus, if you find one friend who likes it as much as you do, they'll probably introduce you to their friends too! There are also tons of new things popping up on social media all the time, like these challenges where people post videos of themselves doing a different exercise every day for thirty days.


5 Best Workouts for Beginners

If you're new to exercising, or just looking for a break from the gym, here are five workouts you can do at home.

1) Yoga - Yoga is a great way to start out if you haven't been active in a while. It's gentle on your body and great for people of all ages.

2) Pilates - Pilates is a form of exercise that uses your own body weight as resistance. It's also great for beginner exercisers because it focuses on building strength and flexibility in your core muscles, back, and abdominals which will help protect your spine when lifting weights or doing other more intense activities later on.


Preparing For a Successful Home Workout Program

Waking up early for a morning run can be tough, but it's an important way of getting your blood flowing. With our busy schedules, waking up early for a morning workout might not be an option. But that doesn't mean that you have to skip out on exercise all day! There are many ways you can break a sweat during your day without ever setting foot in a gym. Check out these six times that are perfect for breaking a sweat:

1) When you wake up in the morning: The endorphins and adrenaline from your first workout will continue to fuel your body throughout the day!


6 Times To Exercise During the Day

You have six more chances to work out today! Here are six times you can sneak in a workout during your hour of downtime:

1. In the morning, before breakfast 2. As part of your lunch break 3. After dinner before bedtime 4. On your commute to work 5. Before you go out for an evening with friends 6. When you get home from work


Making Time For the Gym

In an ideal world, we would all have ample time and opportunity to hit the gym on a regular basis. But that's not always the case. Even if you're lucky enough to work from home, it can be hard to make time for going to a physical place with your work schedule and family life. Sometimes it feels like there's no hope for keeping up with that New Year's resolution of being more active. It doesn't have to be this way though! There are plenty of ways you can stay committed and maintain your healthy lifestyle even when you don't have access to a gym or fitness classes like you do at home.

Can You Rise to the At-Home Fitness Challenge?

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