The Home Fitness Challenge: Can You Do It?

The Home Fitness Challenge: Can You Do It?


Let’s be honest: the hardest part of working out isn’t the workout itself—it’s the motivation to get going in the first place. For many people, stepping into their local gym can be intimidating, especially if they aren’t meeting anyone or seeing any results as fast as they had hoped. This week, we’re giving you an exercise challenge that takes place at home and can be done with or without equipment—our Can You Do It? home fitness challenge. Are you ready to give it your all?


A Few Tips For Beginning

When you have a home fitness challenge, try to do something every day. This could be a quick workout video in the morning, or it could be as simple as taking the dog for a walk in the evening. Even if you don't feel like working out, just getting some light exercise will keep you feeling better and can really help when your motivation starts to run low.

If you want to make this challenge more fun for yourself or for your family, spend some time figuring out what kind of exercises you'll do each day. If you're up for a little competition with your spouse, give yourselves points each day that go towards a larger goal such as who can lose the most weight or who can work out more often.


What’s Your Reward if You Finish the Challenge?

Is it worth it to put in all of this hard work for 30 days, but only get a reward at the end? The answer is yes. Just ask yourself these questions and you'll know if you should take the challenge or not. First, are you ready to take on the physical and mental challenges that will be presented? Second, do you have a goal in mind that would help keep your motivation high throughout this process? If so, what is it and how can you remind yourself of that daily during this challenge? Lastly, are you willing to commit to doing everything possible in order to finish this challenge within the time frame specified (30 days)? If your answer is yes, then I say go for it!


Keep Track of Your Daily Progress

I'm going to do a home fitness challenge! What is a home fitness challenge? Well, it's just like any other fitness challenge where you decide to do a certain exercise for at least one minute each day. This can be anything from pushups to running in place. The only difference is that you have to do this from the comfort of your own home.

Start today and join me in this 30-day journey! I am aiming for at least one minute each day of something active! Here's my first day:


Learn How to Stay Motivated

I'm not a morning person, but I find that if I put on my workout clothes before I go to bed, it's much easier to get up in the morning. When you work out first thing in the morning, you're less likely to skip. If you know you can't do your workout all at once, try breaking it into multiple sessions throughout the day instead of doing it all at once so that it doesn't seem as daunting. Taking small steps like this will make your fitness challenge feel more manageable.


Get Over Excuses

You want to get in shape and live healthier but you don't know where to start. I'm going to teach you how to set up your own home fitness challenge so you can stay motivated and on track with your goals.

1. Pick a starting date for your home fitness challenge.

2. Set realistic goals and objectives for the challenge that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 3. Write down what you will need during the challenge such as workout clothes, equipment, or food items that you'll need to buy ahead of time or while grocery shopping.


Make it Personal and Fun!

I bet you don’t know how many calories you burned today. I bet you didn’t take the time to think about what you ate for breakfast. And, I bet you’ve never really given much thought to what your body needs in order to function at its best. Well, it’s time to change that. The Home Fitness Challenge is here and it doesn't require any equipment or formal training! This challenge will help anyone who wants it to get on their way to better health. Ready?


Pick a Deadline, Don’t Break it!

You can do it! As long as you have a plan. Pick a day, pick a time and stick to it. Get up and get moving. You don't need to break your back over this challenge, but if you want to really push yourself then go for it. But remember, the goal is to work out every day for at least 30 minutes so that's what you should be shooting for. If you want to set goals for yourself like doing more reps or running faster then make sure you're checking in with your body about how much strain is too much before trying to push yourself past those limits. And if the workout has been too easy each day don't give up, keep going until it feels challenging again!


Have Fun with this Challenge

Do you think you can do the home fitness challenge? Well, you'll find out soon enough. Here's what it is and how to take it on!

This week-long home fitness challenge is designed to test your physical and mental strength. The goal is to work out for 30 minutes a day for seven days straight without taking any breaks or giving up. Sounds easy enough, right? But be warned—you're in for a tough fight from day one.

On Monday, start off with an hour of cardio and two hours of strength training (a mix of different exercises that target all the major muscle groups). Then repeat the same schedule on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


Give Yourself Credit For Trying

It's important to know what your body can and cannot do. The first step is to talk to a doctor about your medical history, as well as any other medications you are taking. The next step is to establish a baseline for how many push-ups, crunches, and sit-ups you can currently do in one minute. This will give you something to compare yourself against throughout the challenge, plus it will give you an idea of where you are starting from if this challenge becomes a long-term goal.

For the push-ups, crunches, and sit-ups there are plenty of calculators on the internet that can help you get started with some initial numbers.

The Home Fitness Challenge: Can You Do It?

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