8 Ways to Keep Your Natural Hair Looking Gorgeous

8 Ways to Keep Your Natural Hair Looking Gorgeous

We all want to look our best, especially when we leave the house and go out in public. For many women, this means regularly visiting salons to have their hair done and styling it themselves once they get home. But what if you’re natural? You still want to look great! Don’t worry; there are plenty of ways you can style your natural hair so that it always looks fabulous—and you don’t even need to leave the house! In this guide, we’ll walk you through 8 different tips on how to keep your natural hair looking gorgeous between visits to the salon.

1) Get Adequate Sleep

One of the most important things you can do for your hair is to sleep enough. Sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of health problems, including weight gain and an increased risk of diabetes. It also impacts your mood, stamina, and memory. Furthermore, it's crucial for restoring energy levels and strengthening the immune system. But what does this have to do with your hair? Well, when you don't get enough sleep, it leads to a hormonal imbalance that can cause breakage in your strands. So make sure you get at least eight hours per night!

2) Don’t Wash Too Often

Yes, it is important to wash your hair. But you don't have to do it every day. In fact, washing your hair too often can cause damage and dryness. The best rule of thumb is that you should only shampoo every other day or two days a week at the most. It's also wise to use a clarifying shampoo about once per month. If you're using a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner then I would say three times per week max, but if not I would say twice per week max.

3) Protect your ends

The ends of your hair are some of the most fragile parts, so it's important to take care of them. You might want to try using a moisturizing cream or oil, deep conditioning once a week, or trimming your ends every six weeks. But if you're too busy for any of that and just need something quick, try spraying your ends with water and then tucking them into a bun. Once it dries, spritz on some finishing spray for an instant upgrade.

4) Look after your scalp

Your scalp is the foundation of your hair. It provides strength and moisture so it needs to be properly moisturized and nourished with natural oils. The best way to do this is by using a moisturizing hair mask once a week, or by applying natural oils after you wash your hair. There are lots of options when it comes to what type of oil you should use but olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil are all excellent choices.

5) Use the right products

1. The first step is finding the right shampoo and conditioner. There are lots of options out there, but it's important to find the one that works best with your hair type. It is also important to find products that contain natural ingredients that are safe for your scalp. 
2. A must-have tool in any beauty kit is a wide tooth comb or brush, which will help you detangle your hair without causing breakage.

6) Relax and Enjoy Your Natural Self

There are a few simple steps you can take to keep your natural hair looking gorgeous. You can start by making sure that you're using the right products. Some things that may work for you are coconut oil, water, and a good detangler. You'll want to make sure that when you wash your hair, you're getting it clean with shampoo and conditioner. If your scalp is itchy or dry, this could be due to product build-up or an allergic reaction. And finally, the most important thing: don't touch your hair! That's right--don't put it up in a ponytail or use the gel if it's not necessary for style purposes. This will help maintain healthy growth patterns and reduce breakage from excessive manipulation.

7) Add variety with braids, twists, etc.

1. Wash and condition your hair with a moisturizing product. 
2. Apply a heat protectant spray to the section of hair you will be straightening. 
3. Cover the hair with a towel or plastic cap, and then use an iron on low-medium heat for about ten minutes 
4. After applying the iron, wrap your hair in plastic again for another five minutes 
5. Take the plastic off and apply a light serum or oil 
6. Pull through any remaining kinks or creases with your fingers 
7. Wrap up your ends with bobby pins 
8. Take out your bobby pins before bedtime

8) Stay stress-free

Keeping your hair healthy is a lifelong commitment. Because of this, you need to focus on two things: reducing the amount of stress in your life and making sure you're eating well. Stress can cause breakage and lead to other health problems like diabetes, so it's important that you find ways to reduce it in your life. One way is by deep breathing or even yoga! Eating well will give you the nutrients your body needs for strength and growth, so make sure you eat fresh fruits and veggies for a healthy start every day.

8 Ways to Keep Your Natural Hair Looking Gorgeous

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